Titan Construction 2024

Titan Construction has been a client with us for over a decade. We built their first website with a custom designed CMS template, and after many upgrades and changes, the template was finally replaced in 2024. We composed a new layout, with a simple, modern design, and we could not be happier with the end result.

Titan Construction outdoor construction

Huge Performance Upgrade

The new Joomla 5 CMS and the lightweight template design significantly enhance page load scores, accessibility, and SEO. Google PageSpeed Insights performance grades were 97% on mobile and 100% on desktop for the home and about pages, and above 90% for Accessibility, Best Practices and SEO! All of the pages on the site were in the elusive green percentile for all categories. 

Home page mobile View

Google page load performance on mobile 97 percent


Home page desktop view

Google page load performance on mobile 100 percent


Collaboration and Cooperation

We worked closely with the Titan team, and together we created the new layout. It's focused on simplicity and mobile friendliness – two fundamentals that all new websites should embrace. Thank you Stephen, Rhonda and Jack Fleishmann for all of your cooperation and help!


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